Sunday, November 13, 2011

Can't Spell Racism with "Cain"

you'll have an extra "n" leftover.

Imagine a conversation between a Tea Partier and an unspecified critic…

Tea Partier: Obama is a foreigner who has gay sex with monkey-people in Kenya.

Unspecified Critic: You’re a racist.

Tea Partier: No I’m not, I support Herman Cain.

Unspecified Critic: Your first statement is at odds with your second statement.

(I am detecting an XtraNormal script in the making…)

You see! How can you possibly peg the Tea Party or the broader conservative movement as racist if many of the members support Herman Cain? Far be it from me to label a whole group by their fringe elements, lest they do the same with other movements with strong messages (OWS, Environmentalism, Apple). But even I have noticed that the racially charged language amongst conservatives since BO’s election seemed to pervade all levels of conservative leadership. Strangely, as much as we thought BO’s election would dramatically change race relations in America, the downright bigotry from people like future heart-transplant-candidate, Rush Limbaugh and Ann Coulter (AKA Skeletor) had made it seem like America took a giant step back.

Thus, again, how does Herman Cain enjoy the kind of popularity he has among a party with such bigoted elements in it? See, I don’t think conservatives are really racist, as much as they fuel their hatred of BO with racism. The thought process probably goes something like this:

“It’s bad enough that he is a democrat who is trying to enact sweeping change that may bring uncertainty into my life in already uncertain times, he had to be black while doing it.”

You see, they would have disliked BO if he were black or white. But the intensity of their dislike is probably due to the racism inherent in the conservative movement.

Enter Cain.

Herman Cain’s candidacy and unlikely election(/judgement day) is going to solidify the socio-racial progression that BO started in America. BO was elected, in part, because he was a black guy who talked like a white guy (not enough for a lot of fearful whites who believe he might have radical/Black Pantheresque motives underneath all that eloquence). Herman Cain is a black guy who has white values. Conservatives connect based on values; if they are able to trust Cain’s values, they will start to become less distrustful of his blackness and thus blackness as a whole. He is the black guy that conservatives need as their Jesus to the concept of “African-Americanism.”

Let me put it this way. Your girlfriend’s father may have a bigoted dislike for BO, but if you are black guy who thinks poor people get what they deserve and that Ronald Regan was handcuffed into increasing the deficit back in the 80s, then her father just might like the cut of your jib; he then may think twice about BO’s blackness (whatever there is of it) and may in fact simply use merit to like or dislike him. 

Whatever it is, with Cain, conservatives took a huge step forward.... (right into a steaming pile of shit.)

God Bless Cain…. And God save America if he gets elected….

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